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How to find cheap flights

1º Put your browser in private window

2º Be flexible, when you know the period of your vacations, book your flight. you have to trust that your flight departure it will be on Wednesday, Thursday or laboral days.

3º Book your flight on skyscanner continuosly. It allows you to see the prices of the days of that month.

Also if you do not decide skyscanner destination, you have the possibility of a list of destinations from lower price to higher price.

Create price alerts, you can unsubscribe at any time.

When you are going to book on the airline page because those prices have convinced you, look in a browser for promotional codes for that airline.

Subscribe to the newsletter of the airlines may can do a offer.


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An Airbus a380 in Gran Canaria

This night at Gran Canaria airport, an Airbus a380 land. This Sueces is been happened for take all the people afected by the disaster of Thomas Cook. I put here a link of the video of the a380.